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...Reading, Self-Realization and Introspection

Self-Realization and Introspection is Spiritual Growth and Personal Development for the Soul

By: Carmellita Brown

image credit: www.beenlightened.org/kundalini.htm

For the sake of our soul, we must become dedicated to our spiritual growth and personal development. Many of us have yet to realize our fullest creative potential. The distractions and illusion of the ego can sometimes throw us off the path of true self realization and our spiritual development.

If we truly desire to grow spiritually in a world defined by illusions of power, money, and status, then we must direct attention to the needs of our soul and the true desires of our heart. This attention and focus are acts of self-love, appreciation, and gratitude for our true and authentic self. Personal development plays a significant and transformative role in our spiritual development and leads us up the path of enlightenment to the gift of self-realization.

And just how do you become more introspective? To become more introspective, you must dedicate time to meditate and journal. When you take the time to meditate and journal you will have clear concepts about your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, actions, and beliefs. By self-examining your thoughts, feelings, attitudes, actions, and beliefs, you will be able to understand your motivations, decisions, and subconscious tendencies.

To grow spiritually take more time for introspection. Take time to meditate and journal. Look deeply into your life and discover what you truly desire. Give yourself an opportunity to grow by looking inwardly. By looking inwardly, we discover new things about ourselves, about our relationships, and about our lives. This discovery is the first step to true spiritual growth and personal development for the soul.

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This is GRT! advice...
spiritual and personal development
...a step toward our human
I find even small moments through-

out the day are useful times
for Self-Realization  and
introspection as
Carmellita Brown
...moments like:
working in the yard
waiting on someone or something
even stuck in traffic.
I feel its not the amount of time
as much as the quality of time.

