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#Shamanism, What Are Animal Spirit Guides?

Communicate with your animal spirit guideby Alice Landry

Animal spirit guides are spiritual support systems that show up in animal form. Ancestors from long-ago civilizations as well as indigenous cultures of today invoke animal spirit guides for individual or community protection, healing, and support.

In the tradition and belief system of shamanism, calling upon animal spirit guides is a practice performed by shamans and shamanic practitioners worldwide.

The spirit world, or non-ordinary reality, is accessed by shamans as a realm to retrieve information from power animals, totem animals, and animal spirit guides in general in an attempt to effect healing and restore balance to the client's holistic self.

According to Dr. Steven Farmer, power animals are a source of spiritual guidance and can be solicited for help during life challenges. Though often used interchangeably, the term "totem" animal usually refers to spirit guides associated with a group or clan while "power" animals are individually specific.

If you do not already know your power animal or animal spirit guide, there are several means by which it can be identified. The animal guide, representing its entire species, may come to you in visions such as during dreams, shamanic journeying, or meditative states.

In physical reality, you may notice your animal spirit guide show up repetitiously at least three times. For example, you may hear a song on the radio by the Black Crowes, then you may notice a group of crows in your yard, and even later you may see a truck with the word CROW pass right in front of you.

With these synchronistic events, it's a good chance that Crow is trying to relay a message to you. In order to gain insight and work with your animal spirit guide, you can research the particular animal's characteristics through books such as Dr. Farmer's Power Animals or Animal Spirit Guides.

Furthermore, you can communicate with your guide by asking it for a sign regarding its presence and message for you. By meditating on the life situation you are currently in and connecting with the animal, you allow yourself to see things from a different perspective and empower yourself to create necessary changes to improve your life.

The following are examples of three animal spirit guides and their attributes:

  1. Panda - Encourages you to create a sacred space for contemplation and solitude. The space should be comfortable, personal, and like your own private sanctuary.
  2. Gorilla - Helps you develop your relationship with family members. Reminds you to show compassion and listen attentively to the ever-changing people in your life.
  3. Meerkat - Supportive in your efforts to form trusting friendships, despite hurts from the past. Advises you to be open to receiving assistance from those who share your interests.

If you need help with a specific challenge, you can ask a "qualified" animal spirit guide, based on its associations, into your life for guidance. Nurture your relationship with it by expressing gratitude, communicating with it daily, and honoring its species.

For more online information on animal spirit guide characteristics, please visit Shamanism: Working with Animal Spirits.

Source: Farmer, S. (2008). Messages from Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards Guidebook. California: Hay House.

Photo: Wikimedia Commons/Flicka

Affirmations: I openly invite my spirit guides into my life. I enjoy receiving assistance from divine sources so that I may co-create a brilliant life. My animal spirit guides are supportive and trustworthy. I nurture my relationship with my power animal. I am grateful for spiritual support!

Animal spirit guides have been an interest
of mine, as for all the Ancient ways.
While growing up in New Mexico I had
a closeness to nature and a familiar connection
to the ancient ways; the understanding
All is one.

from childhood  to an adult I have researched
and included the native philosophy in my work.

I've decided to start sharing my research
from the beginning, with you,
on this blog

I have found this Article by Alice Landry  to be an
enjoyable, thorough, easy to read intro
to such a huge topic.

Plz. join me,
and share your knowledge, resources,
and wisdom.


Posted via email from Rickbischoff